Summary: | The majority of human infectious diseases are of animal origin, and many recent emerging infectious
diseases (EIDs), such as HIV/AIDS, the Nipah virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), highly
pathogenic avian influenzas (HPAIs), and Ebola virus disease share a common feature: their wildlife
origin. Wildlife-originated EIDs are also increasing in frequency over recent decades. As shown by the
ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the impacts of EIDs disproportionately affect the poor and other vulnerable
groups, increasing inequality and threatening decades of development progress. The acceleration of EID
events of epidemic and pandemic potential calls for a paradigm shift in how we manage and interact with
our natural and built environments, while stressing the urgency to develop and implement comprehensive
One Health approaches to achieve optimal health outcomes. Furthermore, it is important to recognize
the interconnections between people, animals, plants, and their shared environments.
East and South Asia, renowned global hotspots for disease emergence, have suffered from and continue
to experience major economic impacts from outbreaks. A team comprised of experts from the World
Bank and FAO, and leading wildlife and One Health experts from around the world have worked together
to analyze the causes. This report outlines the risks of EIDs of wildlife origin and proposes how to reduce
emerging pandemic threats at their source; it includes background material, state-of-the-art knowledge,
and recommendations for strengthening systems to prevent, detect, and manage EID outbreaks caused
by wildlife trade, wildlife farming, food systems, and habitat degradation. Furthermore, it examines
the scope of existing policy frameworks, institutional mandates, level of multisectoral engagement,
investments, wildlife-health information systems, and capacity building related to wildlife in the context
of emerging disease risks.