Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia : Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas.

This book surveys drivers, consequences and challenges of land use change in mountainous areas of Southeast Asia, shows how innovation processes can address them and how knowledge creation can help sustainably develop mountain lands and people's livelihoods.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: öhlich, Holger L.
Other Authors: Schreinemachers, Pepijn., Stahr, Karl., Clemens, Gerhard.
Format: eBook
Published: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2013.
Edition:1st ed.
Series:Springer Environmental Science and Engineering Series
Online Access:Click to View
Table of Contents:
  • Intro
  • Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas
  • Foreword
  • References
  • Contents
  • Part I: Introduction
  • Chapter 1: From Challenges to Sustainable Solutions for Upland Agriculture in Southeast Asia
  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.1.1 Objectives and Outline of the Book
  • 1.2 Study Areas in Thailand and Vietnam
  • 1.3 Drivers of Land Use Change in the Mountainous Areas of Southeast Asia
  • 1.4 Challenges to the Sustainable Development of Upland Agriculture
  • 1.4.1 Sustainable Use of Soil and Water Resources
  • 1.4.2 Limiting the Risk of Synthetic Pesticides
  • 1.4.3 Poverty, Agriculture and Sustainable Resource Use
  • 1.5 Finding Solutions Through the Creation of Knowledge and by Developing and Adapting Innovations
  • 1.5.1 Innovation Development
  • 1.5.2 Knowledge Creation
  • 1.6 Conclusion
  • References
  • Part II: Environmental and Social Challenges
  • Chapter 2: Beyond the Horizons: Challenges and Prospects for Soil Science and Soil Care in Southeast Asia
  • 2.1 The Need for Sound Soil Information in Mountainous Tropical Areas
  • 2.2 Gamma-Ray Spectrometry: A Useful Tool for Soil Mapping in Inaccessible Terrain and Data-Scarce Regions
  • 2.2.1 Gamma-Ray Spectrometry: The Method
  • 2.2.2 Why Could Gamma-Ray Spectrometry be Helpful for Soil Mapping? The Theoretical Background
  • 2.2.3 Parent Rock Signals in the Northern Thai Highlands
  • 2.2.4 Influence of Soil Forming Processes on the Gamma-Ray Signal: Case Study in Bor Krai Village, Thailand
  • 2.2.5 Gamma-Ray Signals at the Soil Profile Scale
  • 2.2.6 Gamma-Ray Signals at the Landscape Scale
  • 2.2.7 Conclusions and Outlook Regarding Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
  • 2.3 Comparison of Medium Scale and Scale Independent Soil Mapping Procedures in Northern Thailand for Soil Data Generation in a Development Oriented Context.
  • 2.3.1 Material
  • 2.3.2 Mapping Approaches at the Landform Scale
  • 2.3.3 Results
  • 2.3.4 Discussion
  • 2.3.5 Conclusions Regarding Soil Mapping Procedures
  • 2.4 How Useful Are Ethnic Minority Soil Knowledge Systems? Case Studies from Vietnam and Thailand
  • 2.4.1 Material and Survey Methods
  • 2.4.2 Criteria for Local Soil Classification
  • 2.4.3 Differences Between Ethnic Groups and Depth of Knowledge
  • 2.4.4 Comparison Between Farmers ́Soil Quality Assessments and Scientific Soil Fertility Assessments
  • 2.4.5 Cost Aspects of Different Soil Mapping Approaches
  • 2.4.6 Usefulness and Limitation of Local Soil Knowledge
  • 2.5 Development of Soils on Limestone in Tropical Southeast Asia
  • 2.5.1 Materials and Methods
  • 2.5.2 Limestone and Limestone Residue Mineral Composition
  • 2.5.3 Soil Associations or Soil Distribution in the Karstic Areas of Southeast Asia
  • 2.5.4 Soil Properties and Soil Forming Processes in Southeast Asian Karst Areas
  • 2.5.5 Discussion
  • 2.6 Soil Erosion Leading to Changes in Soil Fertility
  • 2.6.1 Materials and Methods
  • 2.6.2 Disposition to Erosion
  • 2.6.3 Effect of Erosion on Soil Fertility
  • 2.6.4 Properties of Soils at Different Slope Positions
  • 2.6.5 Conclusion Regarding Soil Erosion
  • References
  • Chapter 3: Water and Matter Flows in Mountainous Watersheds of Southeast Asia: Processes and Implications for Management
  • 3.1 A General Perspective on Hydrological Components and Matter Related Processes
  • 3.2 The Study Sites
  • 3.2.1 Local Climate
  • 3.2.2 Hydrological Characterization of the Mae Sa Watershed
  • 3.3 Watershed Responsiveness, Water Retention and Dam Construction: Irrigation and Flood Risk Management
  • 3.4 The Impact of Reservoir Management on Nutrient Redistribution to Irrigated Lowlands
  • 3.4.1 The Influence of a Reservoir on Irrigated Nutrient Loads.
  • 3.4.2 Importance of Reservoir Management and Its Impact on Carbon and Nitrogen Redistribution
  • 3.4.3 Impact of Matter Reallocation on Lowland Soil Fertility and Crop Production
  • 3.5 Dynamics of Carbon Stocks in Upland Areas
  • 3.5.1 Carbon Stocks of Perennial Vegetation
  • 3.5.2 The Above-Ground Biomass and Carbon Stocks of Upland Crops
  • 3.5.3 Carbon Stocks at the Watershed Level
  • 3.6 Water Quality
  • References
  • Chapter 4: Agricultural Pesticide Use in Mountainous Areas of Thailand and Vietnam: Towards Reducing Exposure and Rationalizin...
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 General Trends in Relation to Intensified Pesticide Use in Thailand and Vietnam
  • 4.3 Pesticide Use in the Mountainous Areas of Thailand and Vietnam
  • 4.3.1 Pesticide Use Within Intensive Upland Horticulture: Mae Sa, Thailand
  • 4.3.2 Pesticide Use in the Paddy Rice Systems of Chieng Khoi, Vietnam
  • 4.4 Pesticide Exposure and Eco-toxicological Risk Assessment in the Mountainous Areas of Thailand and Vietnam
  • 4.4.1 Measuring the Fate of Pesticides in Mountain and Remote Areas
  • 4.4.2 Eco-toxicological Risk Assessment of Pesticide Concentrations Measured in the Mae Sa River in Northern Thailand
  • 4.4.3 Loss of Pesticides from Paddy Rice Fields in Northern Vietnam
  • 4.5 Possibilities to Reduce Pesticide Use
  • 4.5.1 Policy Challenges
  • 4.5.2 Possible Increases in the Efficiency of Pesticide Use
  • 4.5.3 Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  • 4.6 Conclusion
  • References
  • Chapter 5: Linkages Between Agriculture, Poverty and Natural Resource Use in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia
  • 5.1 Introduction
  • 5.2 Definitions of, and Explanatory Approaches to, the Linkages Between Agriculture, Poverty and Natural Resource Use
  • 5.3 Characterizing Poverty in Northern Vietnam and its Connection to the Environment
  • 5.3.1 The Database
  • 5.3.2 Poverty Measures Used.
  • 5.3.3 Poverty and Access to Capital
  • Credit Institutions
  • Land Tenure
  • 5.3.4 Poverty, Resilience and Risk Attitudes
  • Risk Exposure and Resilience
  • Risk Preferences
  • 5.3.5 Poverty and Discount Rates
  • 5.4 Poverty and Natural Resource Maintenance
  • 5.4.1 Poverty and Income Diversification
  • Income Diversification Strategies in Northern Vietnam
  • Case Study on Forest Management and Poverty in Northern Thailand
  • 5.4.2 Poverty and Short-Term Soil Fertility Maintenance in Northern Vietnam
  • 5.4.3 Poverty and Long-Term Soil Conservation in Northern Vietnam
  • 5.5 Conclusions and Policy Implications
  • References
  • Part III: Technology-Based Innovation Processes
  • Chapter 6: Mango and Longan Production in Northern Thailand: The Role of Water Saving Irrigation and Water Stress Monitoring
  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 Irrigated Mango Production
  • 6.2.1 Mango Exports from Thailand
  • 6.2.2 Influence of Irrigation on Mango Yield
  • 6.2.3 Influence of Irrigation on Mango Fruit Growth
  • 6.2.4 Introduction of Micro-irrigation to the Mango Production Process
  • 6.3 Irrigated Longan Production
  • 6.3.1 General Management
  • 6.3.2 Deficit Irrigation in Longan
  • 6.3.3 Water Stress Monitoring
  • 6.4 Conclusion
  • References
  • Chapter 7: Soil Conservation on Sloping Land: Technical Options and Adoption Constraints
  • 7.1 General Introduction
  • 7.2 Effective Soil and Water Conservation Technologies for Sustainable Highland Agriculture in Southeast Asia
  • 7.2.1 Drivers, Orders of Magnitude and Consequences of Soil Erosion in Asia
  • 7.2.2 Soil Conservation Options
  • 7.2.3 Integrated Soil and Water Conservation: A Case Study from Northern Thailand
  • Study Sites and Experimental Set-Up
  • Soil Loss and Run-Off
  • Conclusions.
  • 7.3 Timeframe for Soil Conservation Technologies to Become Effective and to Improve or Sustain Crop Yields
  • 7.3.1 Description of Study Sites and the Experimental Design
  • 7.3.2 Run-Off and Soil Loss as Affected by Soil Conservation and Time
  • 7.3.3 Performance of Maize Yields, as Affected by Soil Conservation Treatments
  • 7.3.4 Discussion and Conclusion
  • 7.4 Modeling the Impact of Initial Conditions, and the Long-Term Development of Soil Conservation Technologies
  • 7.4.1 Stakeholder Based FALLOW Model Scenarios
  • 7.4.2 Scenario Results and Discussion
  • 7.4.3 Conclusion
  • 7.5 Methods Used to Monitor Soil Conservation with Respect to Soil Degradation: Science and Farmer-Based Approaches
  • 7.5.1 Science-Based Approaches
  • Bounded and Unbounded Plots
  • Stable Isotopes
  • Soil Erosion Modeling
  • 7.5.2 Farmer-Based Approaches
  • Participatory Assessment Approaches
  • Land Use Classification Systems
  • Farmer Managed Field Trials
  • 7.5.3 Conclusion
  • 7.6 Explaining Farmers ́Current Use of Soil Conservation Techniques
  • 7.6.1 Awareness of Soil Erosion and Related Conservation Practices
  • 7.6.2 Explaining Knowledge Diffusion and Adoption
  • 7.6.3 Determinants of the Adoption of Soil Conservation Techniques When Considering Plot Characteristics
  • 7.6.4 Conclusions
  • 7.7 Innovative Approaches to Soil Conservation, and Policy Implications
  • References
  • Chapter 8: Improved Sustainable Aquaculture Systems for Small-Scale Farmers in Northern Vietnam
  • 8.1 Role of Aquaculture in Vietnam
  • 8.2 The Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture System Used by Black Thai Farmers in Yen Chau District
  • 8.3 Current and Potential Feed Resources for the Local Aquaculture System
  • 8.4 Design of an Improved Aquaculture System for Small-Scale Farmers.
  • 8.5 Implementation and Evaluation of the Modified Pond Management System.