Latin America & Caribbean 3,746
Latin America 684
Lebanon 189
Liberia 180
Lao People's Democratic Republic 179
Lesotho 120
Latvia 88
Libya 82
Lithuania 68
Laos 41
Luxembourg 33
London 23
Los Angeles 16
Louisiana 15
Liechtenstein 13
London (England) 7
Latin America -- 4
Lancashire 3
Liverpool 3
London, United Kingdom 3
Las Vegas (Nev.) 2
Leeds 2
Liverpool (England) 2
Lombardy 2
Los Angeles (Calif.) 2
Lowell 2
Ludlow 2
Ludlow (Colo.) 2
La Rochelle (France) 1
La Romana 1
La Romana (Dominican Republic) 1
Labanon 1
Labrador 1
Labuan, Malaysia 1
Ladysmith 1
Ladysmith (B.C.) 1
Lahaina 1
Lahaina (Hawaii) 1
Lancashire (England) 1
Land Between the Lakes (Ky. and Tenn.) 1
Landlocked states 1
Langtang 1
Langtang (Nepal) 1
Languedoc 1
Languedoc (France) 1
Lansing 1
Lansing (Mich.) 1
Lao PDR 1
Laos -- 1
Laos, Republic of 1
Las Vegas 1
Las Vegas Region (Nev.) 1
Lasser Antilles 1
Latin America and the Caribbean 1
Latin America,Caribbean 1
Le Havre 1
Le Havre (France) 1
Leadership -- 1
Leeds (England) 1
Lena River Valley 1
Lerwick 1
Lerwick (Scotland) 1
Lesotho -- 1
Lesotho and Swaziland 1
Lewiston 1
Lewiston (Me.) 1
Liangping Xian 1
Liangping Xian (China) 1
Liaoning Province, China 1
Liaoning Province,China 1
Liaoning Sheng 1
Libraries -- 1
Librjo 1
Lifestyle -- 1
Lima 1
Lima (Ohio) 1
Lions, Gulf of (France) 1
Lithuania -- 1
Lithunia 1
Livorno 1
Livorno (Italy) 1
London (England) -- 1
Loogootee (Ind.) 1
Los Angeles County 1
Los Angeles County (Calif.) 1
Los Angeles Metropolitan Area 1
Los Angeles Metropolitan Area (Calif.) 1
Los Boguerones Region (Panama) 1
Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary 1
Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary (Ind.) 1
Loudun 1
Loudun (France) 1
Lower East Side (New York, N.Y.) 1
Lower Mainland 1
Lower Peninsula 1
Lower Peninsula (Mich.) 1
Luapula River Valley (Zambia and Congo) 1
Luckenwalde 1
Luxemborg 1